Hello Everyone!
We are staying in Brunei, Borneo. We are forty five min. from Miri, Malaysia. We are staying in a Moslem area. We went into Miri, Malaysia yesterday afternoon to do a conference with about 150 to 250 people at Shephard’s church. The Lord brought strong teaching and healing to the people. It was nice to hear their worship and see their prophetic dance team. We met with many pastors and workers. Many of the workers are from the Philippines. One young man said he saw us on Facebook at a church he used to go to. He got emotional because we had also been with his mother. He hasn’t seen his mother for a year and a half. So when he saw her photo, he was excited to see his friends that he once fellowshiped with… He explained that there are many distractions in the Phillippines, but now that he is in Malaysia, all he has to do now is talk to God. His world changed drastically. He says he sees things differently. There were several young men that I had to speak to because of their choices and sexual behaviors, and some of them redirected their lives back to God and repented. Others are still thinking about it.
We did a deliverance at the house we are staying at. A woman flew in from the Phillippines to come to see her husband. She spoke to us about how her mother had died. She wanted prayer for her enlarged heart. As we began praying, she began manifesting and her eyes rolled to the back of her head and her voice changed to a growl. She came at me as if to kill me and a demonic voice came forth, but I took my authority and placed it back in position. I then began commanding the demons to come out. Her eyes would open and a different spirit would come and I would cast it out, and then another and another. Several thousand are in her. We spent several hours casting the demons out. The Lord then told us to stop – her body was exhausted. We brought her to rest and played worship music, anointing her with oil. She did not get up until the next afternoon. She said she was exhausted. We will fill her up with scriptures and get her going. Evidently, she has had them since she was a child. Several months ago she manifested and violently attacked the other Christians because of the spirit of murder on her. They could not get her calmed down. So we are teaching others how to do this and to use scriptures. They said this woman’s demons was too strong for them. The youth were very flexible and were able to adjust and follow instructions. They have all experienced deliverance before, so it was good.
There has been a lot of learning and growing as a team and family. It has been a good environment that the Lord has placed us in. We have stayed in the squatters area in complete poverty and we are now in a luxurious home. There has been learning all the way through it. The team loves to debrief and talk about the trip and all that they learn, and to ask questions. It has been fun to see them grow and stretch out of their comfort zones. I am also excited to see the girls grow into their prophetic dance. It’s been amazing to watch two women who have never danced before allow God to stretch them into it. I am signing out for now. Please keep us in prayer – were not finished yet.
In his Grace… God Bless