In April , I received a phone call from Jean Bishop that Tracy from East St. Lois called wanting me to do a conference in East St. Louis. I informed Jean to call her and tell her to pray. The lord had not informed me of going into East St. Louis. I began to pray for confirmation. Several days later, I was staying at a Pastor’s home in the mountains. She had a member from her church come over for the weekend. This woman began telling me that St. Louis was the Gateway to the Pacific Northwest. The Lewis and Clark trail began over in St. Lois after arriving from Washington D. C. So, I was enlightened by the history being told to me. Several days later, I was sitting in Pastor Tami’s kitchen when she received a phone call from a man. He stated the Holy Spirit led him to call her regarding speaking at her church. He asked if it was possible to come that Sunday. So, the Circuit Rider preacher came that Sunday to speak about the history of American Indians in the Pacific Northwest.
As the speaker began talking, he spoke that he was a Circuit rider preacher. He spoke on the history of Oregon, the American Indians and the Government. Then he began to discuss how recently God took him on a trip and rerouted him to St. Louis. That statement caught my attention. Then he stated he was brought to the Catholic Calvary Cemetery in St. Louis, where he found a monument with the four Indians who went to St. Louis to find the “Heavenly Book” (The bible). Two of the four Indians in search of the Book died in St. Louis and were buried in the Catholic Calvary Cemetery. The statue had the treaties on it and the story on it as well. Here I was, sitting in the church in awe of God. Here we go, I thought, another confirmation of why I am to go into St. Louis. I had lunch with the preacher and he began to share the history of Jason Lee, who traveled into Oregon to bring the bible teachings to the tribes in Oregon. He spoke about Salish and Nez Perce tribes requesting the missionaries to be sent to our region to teach their people. He said it was Jason Lee who answered that Call from St. Louis. He spoke about how he shared it with tribes and other people in the state of Oregon. It was instrumental in bringing in additional settlers to the Willamette Valley, which led to the establishment of Oregon as a US territory. Yes, I now understood that I was to go into St. Louis. So later, that evening I recieved a visitation from the Lord . His presence entered the room, I heard his audible voice say please go into East St. Louis and bring my warriors into position for the Governmental order of the Kingdom of God. I asked him when I would go into East St. Louis, he stated the end of May. I informed the people that I received my confirmation to go into East St. Louis. They had been praying and fasting for me to come into East St. Louis. I spent time in the presence of the Lord. He began preparing my body for the entering the territory of East St. Louis. The anointing was very intense and strong upon my body. The weight was heavy. We prepared the team in St. Louis to stay in prayer for us entering in the region. They began fasting and praying deeper. Spending time in God’s presence, preparing the land and the building for our arrival. They said, they would pray for us and stay in fasting and prayer until July 6. I was amazed at the discipline of their fasting and deep prayers.
When we arrived into East St. Louis we were met by Ms. Tracy, Pastor Rick and his wife Aurilia. The welcoming was very peaceful, as if we already knew who they were in the spirit. The transition was already comforting coming into East St. Louis, because we were received in love. We spent Five days in East St. Louis. The first day of ministering, the Lord brought the congregation into a teaching of the Holy spirit, History of St. Louis, East St. Louis and obedience. We brought in a cleansing with the whole congregation. The Sword of the Spirit was brought forth, and a heavy anointing dropped upon the congregation. We placed mantles of the Apostles upon the Pastor and his wife.
The second night, I spoke about the five fold ministry, the operation of the Holy spirit, and the giftings.
The third night, we brought in the healing for the people and the Lord brought in an anointing that was so heavy you could see a cloud in the room. I held the sword for four hours while the congregation of people went through a healing tunnel. Many things occurred during this event. Deliverances, healings, weeping and shouts of joy could be heard through the tunnel.
During these days, I counseled the people individually and in groups. As I counseled, I could see, while they waited, that God took over because all I could see were legs going straight up in to the air and the Holy Spirit knocking out his people. They were not able to stand, and they fell to the ground and were shaking intensely. As I counseled from the stairs I began to laugh at the people who were trying to get up from the presence of the Lord. They said that there was such a strong presence that they could not get up, they could not stand. No one touched them but they felt this peace upon them.
They were experiencing the supernatural for the first time, and they were amazed. Many testimonies came in describing what they learned and how God touched them. Many confirmations, healings, testimonies and life changes came in very drastically for different members. As the Lord used me, we shifted the church from not ever using the Holy Spirit to experiencing the Holy Spirit, speaking in tongues, feeling the fire of God through their bodies and the healing touch in their hearts. God’s glory was evident and now this denominational church had experienced the glory of the Holy Spirit and the shifting of their personal lives. We shifted the church so that different assignments would come in, transitions would come in to change the operations of the people in the region and area. Restoration, healing, family and reconciliation were all part of the Shifting for this church.
God is always on time to break the bondage and chains, to pour into his people with Love. I thank the intercessors of the area who are disciplined, hungry and warriors. I see God’s hand upon each one. May God get all the glory, and his people know it’s their vessels that he wants to bring into a place of holiness. It is not a building, but his very vessels that he chose to raise up, build up so that they can bear fruit for the book of Revalation to come in to place. For we were called to be history makers, to bring in the harvest for the Kingdom of God. Walk forward and receive what God has for you. Shift!!! WE ARE THE ARMY OF THE MOST HIGH GOD! JESUS CHRIST!