Through God’s Law, the Holy Spirit convicts us of sin and brings us to a sense of helplessness.
Archive for January, 2011
The Ten Commandments
Friday, January 7th, 2011The Word of the Lord for 2011 (OFW)
Wednesday, January 5th, 2011As the deer pants for streams of water, so my soul pants for you, O God.
Is this the cry of your heart my beloved children? O, that you would cry for My presence and seek Me more than riches, food or clothing. Do you not know that I will provide for you no matter what is happening all around you? This year you will see many historic and hard to understand events, but through them all, I am your Father, I am your God, I am your deliverer, I am your strong Tower, I am your food and drink, I am your constant friend and companion, I am the lover and savior of your soul, I am the protector of your children and the safety of your whole family. I will not… I do not change! As I was with Noah, as I was with Jacob, Daniel and Zechariah, as I was with Peter, James and John, so My beloved am I with you. As you long for Me, as you are not satisfied with any other, I will fill you, I will suckle you, I will teach and train you, for you are my own.
It is time to stop playing church. It is time to stop making My kingdom a kingdom of this world. It is time to stop the denial of My righteousness and My holiness. There is no easy grace – there is salvation, love and seeking Me, Me only, with all your heart, mind and soul. This is what I demand, this is how I know those who are truly mine. Are you mine? Are you willing to walk the way of my cross? I know my children and you know me. Walk seek , cry out for my presence and My Holiness that I may continue to lead you and bring you nearer to me, nearer to God , filled more and more, serving Jesus and your brothers and sisters is my command. Love one another as I love you and you will grow and grow and become spiritually fat with my habitation. I am your manna, I am the wine that heals and satisfies. Seek Me.