The Lord stated that there is a catapult shift coming that will shift people into different parts of the Kingdom. Those who have past the testing will go into one part of the Kingdom, and those who did not past the test will go back into the wilderness repeating the lessons over again. Their will be hard hits and many tragedies throughout the world as he places his people in Kingdom position. Here we go says the Lord.
Psalms 64
God tested Abraham (Gen 22:1) It is God’s way of determining if we are ready for a promotion.
God said to Abraham, after he demonstrated he would do anything, “now that I know that you fear God.” Many are called but only a few are chosen or commissioned .
Jesus had to go through a major test of fasting for forty days and nights of temptation, hit by the devils strategies and powers through the wilderness. After Jesus passed His test, God anointed Him with the Holy Spirit and power. Then, He began healing all who were oppressed by the Devil (Acts 10:38). When He was baptized in water, Father God said, “ this is my beloved Son,” but it was when Jesus passed the test in the Wilderness that God commissioned him to begin his “Miraculous Ministry”
Commission: Act of giving authority or power to do a duty.