May 9, 2012 – In one way there will be many shiftings. In another way, repeated lessons. In one hand there will be the Josephs, in another hand the Apostles. In another those who complete their circle of lessons again and again… I will look in the hearts of man says the Lord.. I will check to see the places they have stood in…and I will test them. I will test their hearts.
I will shift them according to what they have been good in says the Lord… I will see through many commitments that I have promised them. My judgment is upon the Land, for Israel must be protected.
Israel must be prayed for… I will bring forth many things through this land. But, I will require obedience.. Sacrifice will not be part of this. Obedience to the heart, Obedience to me.. Obedience will bring forth this land and Nation. I will ask for prayers throughout the nations. I will ask for Obedience in its place.
Many people will come forth, Many people will stand.. Get ready Get ready…One nation will rise, another nation will fall. Another nation will fall and collapse. Another nation will come beside it.
Get ready Get ready! Many things are now coming forth says the Lord.
Zechariah 2, Isaiah 16